Deputy - $57.33 per hour
Cruiser for Traffic details - $38.50 for the duration of the job
There is a four (4) hour minimum for all jobs scheduled. Extra duty details are filled on a voluntary basis and the potential for unfilled requests exist.
Insurance Requirements: The general liability and automotive insurance coverages shall be at a minimum of $1 million per occurrence/$1 million aggregate for the acts and omissions of deputies acting in the scope of duties for the Outside Employer, and naming Williamson County Government as an additional insured. Outside Employer agrees that it will not rely on or make any claim upon any insurance, workers’ compensation coverage, or liability coverage held by Williamson County, Tennessee while the deputy is performing the off-duty employment.
I have read and understand the Terms of Agreement. I agree to abide by Williamson County rules, regulations and ordinances should my application be approved. Additionally, I will fulfill the requirements placed upon this application as expressed in the Terms of Agreement.