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Insurance Program

Law enforcement officers and deputies working extra-duty assignments are safeguarded with EDS’ industry-leading insurance.

At EDS, we prioritize the safety and security of law enforcement officers working extra-duty assignments, recognizing the necessity of safeguarding both the officers and the entities they serve.

EDS provides law enforcement agency clients with:

AM Best Rated “A” Liability Coverage

Top-Tier Liability Limits

Comprehensive State Statutory Workers' Compensation

Inclusive Coverage for Agencies, Officers, and Extra-Duty Clients

General Liability Insurance

Extra Duty Solutions provides industry-leading general liability insurance to protect your agency and
the officers working off-duty jobs. Since EDS’ insurance is primary to your agency’s insurance, our
waiver of subrogation further protects your agency.

Our general liability insurance solutions focus on off-duty work and covers:

  • damage to premises
  • assault and battery
  • hired or non-owned automobiles
  • theft
  • professional management/disciplinary proceedings

Data Breach & Privacy Security Liability

Payment processing fines and penalties Business interruption or loss
Cyber extortion Data recovery
Business interruption Fraudulent instruction
Crisis management and PR Telephone fraud
Funds transfer fraud Counterfeiting
Payment and credit card forgery Computer fraud
To ensure that we provide our clients with the appropriate riders and limits, our insurance is reviewed annually by a nationally recognized high-risk group that reviews insurance for such entities as the Boston Red Sox, the Boston Bruins, and the New England Patriots. Additional riders and limits are available upon request.
Per Occurrence $2,000,000
Aggregate $2,000,000
Products & Completed Operations $2,000,000
Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000
Damage to Premises Rented to You $100,000
Medical Payments Excluded
Retention $5,000
Combined Single Limit $1,000,000

Workers’ compensation rules are state specific so features such as the amount of benefits, what impairments are covered, how care is delivered, and how disputes are resolved, may differ from state to state. To learn about the requirements where you live, visit your state’s workers’ compensation web site.

 Statutory Limits
Employers Liability – By Accident$1,000,000
Employers Liability – By Disease$1,000,000

(in excess of General & Auto Liability limits)

Layer 1, Primary
Per Occurrence$5,000,000
Layer 2
Per Occurrence$5,000,000
Per Occurrence $3,000,000
Aggregate $3,000,000
Regulatory Action $3,000,000
Regulatory Compensatory $3,000,000
PCI Fine/Penalties $3,000,000
Cyber Extortion $3,000,000
Business Interruption and Extra Exp. $3,000,000
Crisis Management & PR Costs $3,000,000
Funds Transfer Fraud $250,000
Retroactive Date Full Pror Acts
Retention $25,000
Media, Tech, Data & Network Liability $1,000,000
Aggregate $1,000,000
Breach Response Costs $1,000,000
Regulatory Defense & Penalties $1,000,000
Payment Card Liabilities & Costs $1,000,000
Business Interruption Loss $1,000,000
Dependent Business Interruption $100,000
Cyber Extortion $1,000,000
Data Recovery $1,000,000
Fraudulent Instruction $250,000
Funds Transfer Fraud $250,000
Telephone Fraud $250,000
Criminal Reward $50,000
Retention $5,000
Per Occurrence $3,000,000
General Aggregate $3,000,000
Disciplinary Proceedings $25,000
Claims Expenses $5,000
Retroactive Date 5/7/2020
Retention $25,000
Per Occurrence $1,000,000
Aggregate $2,000,000
Retroactive Date 5/7/2024
Retention $15,000
Loss of Business Income Actual Loss Sustained (12 Months)
Business Personal Property $249,100

Counterfeit$1,000,000Cyber Deception$100,000

Employee Theft (including 3rd Party)$1,000,000
Payment Cards$1,000,000
Inside & Outside Loss
Inside Premises$1,000,000
Outside Transit$1,000,000
Tech Fraud
Funds Transfer$1,000,000
Total Limit Per Incident Limit
Professional Liability/Technology E&O $3M $3M
General Liability $2M $1M
Excess Liability $10M $10M
Auto $1M $1M
Personal Injury $1M $2M
Management Liability $1M $1M
Property $152K
Network & Security Liability
Third-Party Liability Coverage $3M $3M
Regulatory Defense & Penalties $3M $3M
Business Interruption Coverage $3M $3M
Cyber Extortion $3M $3M
Breach Response $3M $3M
Data Breach & Privacy Security Liability $3M $3M
Employee Theft $1M $1M
Third Parties Property $1M $1M
Forgery $1M $1M
Inside & Outside Losses $1M $1M
Tech Fraud $1M $1M
Workers Compensation, All States
Workers Compensation Statutory
Employers Liability- By Accident $1M $1M
Employers Liability - By Disease $1M Policy limit
Employers Liability - By Disease $1M Each employee

Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Recognizing the substantial contribution of off-duty work to an officer’s income, we are also committed to offering robust workers’ compensation coverage. Our program ensures that officers are safeguarded against incidents during their extra-duty assignments. While our general liability insurance focuses on shielding the agency from paying damages, injuries, and medical costs, our workers’ compensation coverage supports officers directly, covering essential needs such as…

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses related to injuries sustained
  • Legal fees

Additionally, EDS provides occupational accident insurance, offering further protection for officers injured or killed in job-related incidents. This coverage includes medical expenses and pays out death and dismemberment benefits. Officers working off-duty under a 1099 status can opt for occupational accident insurance on a case-by-case basis for each assignment invoiced and processed through EDS, ensuring peace of mind in the event of an accident.

How Can We Serve your Agency?

Maximize operational efficiency and prioritize mission-critical tasks with our comprehensive extra-duty administration services.
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